Thursday, June 14, 2007

Love & Support

I am so excited, because I just loved the feed back that I got from that post. I was intrigued just to hear the different opinions from you guys. Yes, I do agree, that marriage is an issue that you can go on about all day, but what really matters the most, is your heart. If it is there or not, just do what is needed to keep or make you happy!

My prayer for this world is that we as people would find ourselves first, love ourselves first, know who we are first and foremost know how to give, love and be true to oneself and then to others. No matter what goes on in this world, it must start from you, the home and the environment. We can not depend on the government to help us, you see where that has gotten us, but if I know that my family or a friend is in need I will be there to help no matter what little I have to give. This is what we need, humanity!

Ok.... I wanted to send a shout out to Sylvia Hubbard, an amazing, captivating, mind blowing author. She is a fantastic writer, ranging anywhere from mystery to romance and best of all she allows her readers to fulfill those fantasies we all have dreamt about. I love her work, so when you get a chance please visit and read her newest project Sex Weed!

Yes people, imagine that Sex and Weed all together in the same sentence, what a high and this book is a true high!!!! What I like about Sylvia is not only her work as a writer, but the fact that she proves dreams are possible and obtainable. She is a single parent and she is still going after what she believes in! She allows her readers to follow her life, and her stories step by step, she invites you into her life... I am just so motivated by the fact to know that she is trying to get a publisher and she still keeps writing. The queen of suspense, she is, so when you read her books, you will be upset, cause sister will just leave you hanging!

I love to read and write and if you have a blog out there or a book or what ever project you're working on please send a link so that I can support you. All about the support here! Let's keep it real, we all have dreams and all want that support system, so in order for any of us to go forward we need one another!

One more thing, to my single parents out there, trying to make ends meet, taking care of their kids by themselves, working jobs (whether it is 1,2 or even 3), holding down careers, trying to obtain those dreams and yes, deal with the every day crap life throws at you! Keep your head up! Your blessing is on it's way and you have to believe that. This is not the easiest job in the world and I give mad love and support to you!!!!!

Congratulations, cause every day you survive should be a day to celebrate!

Peace & Love


Anonymous said...

i am a single mom and it getsss tough trying to support my baby girl with a dead beat father so thank you for the support :)

Drea said...
my daily life.

i just started reading yours and i love it. its so real.